Submission Guidelines

white calendar on white textile
Photo by Kyrie kim on Unsplash

Submissions for our Spring Warmer issue are now CLOSED.

We want the most creative and resonant pieces of writing you have, the pieces that fizz on the page, the ones that you can’t stop thinking about. We love stories that hum with life. Fiction that resonates with relatable content. We want real experiences with the honesty and the truth that only you can write.

All submissions are FREE, but you can leave us an optional tip. Tips will go towards the cost of us using Duosuma.

Specific Guidelines

Short stories (up to 2,500 words)

Flash Fiction (up to two pieces of 550 words each) 

Poetry (up to three pieces of 40 lines each)

CNF (up to 4,000 words) 

Per reading period, writers may submit:

  • One short fiction

  • One CNF piece

  • Three poems 

  • Two flash pieces

You may submit to more than one category per window. 

All submissions must be made via Duosuma.

We read blind here at Frazzled Lit so please don’t include your name in the file name or document. 

Cover letters are optional, but it's nice to know who is submitting to us. We don’t require an explanation of your work, we want it to speak for itself.

A bio is optional, but if you do include one, make it max 100 words, and third-person.

We prefer documents in Times New Roman, 12 pt.

Please allow up to 60 days after the closing date to inform you if we have accepted your work for publication. You will usually hear from us much sooner.

Each submission i.e. each poem and each flash fiction, should be submitted as a separate document. This will help you in the event you wish to withdraw one piece, and will help us with the review process.

Publication Rights

Frazzled Lit holds first serial publication rights for three months after publication. This means that by accepting publication, writers agree not to publish, authorise or permit the publication of, any part of the material, for three months following first publication by Frazzled Lit. For reprints, we only ask that you credit us as the first publication. Please withdraw your work if your story is accepted elsewhere, and huge congratulations in advance!

What We Don’t Like?

We are an unthemed publication and VERY happy to read work on any subject however, unless it is written in strict context, Frazzled Lit will not enjoy any work that is flagrantly racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, ableist or is hateful towards any person or group. Further, we do not wish to read anything that is gratuitously violent or erotic or contains excessive gore or animal cruelty. 

It goes without saying but we’re saying it anyway:

Frazzled Lit will not tolerate work that is generated by AI.

All submissions should be made via Duosuma.

You may send any ENQUIRIES to